The George Washington Society is an educational 501 (c) (3) non-profit

Never before in the course of these United States has there been a greater need to shore up the foundations of our nation's character and spiritual resolve. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, admonished us to "remove not the ancient landmark, which your fathers have set."
Our forefathers' strong faith in God and their personal sacrifice were the pillars upon which our republic was founded. To allow America's Christian heritage to be hidden or removed from the halls of history would be a mockery of their faith in Almighty God. As stated by George Washington, the father of our nation, "The Hand of providence has been so conspicuous in all this, that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligations." This George Washington legacy is needed and must be passed on to our generation.
The George Washington Society seeks to cultivate an appreciation for our nation's early history and Christian heritage for the benefit of future generations.
On January 14, 2024 a major disaster took place when the sprinkler pipes in the attic of the George Washington Inn froze and flooded the entire building. It will take these two years to complete its restoration and refurbishment, just in time to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the nation that George Washington founded. The inn's founder and his wife established the inn in 2006 to put a spotlight on George Washington's faith and have dedicated themselves to this mission. Will you have a part in this endeavor? A fundraiser for the inn's refurbishment for its specific purpose of shining a spotlight on George Washington's faith has been established through the 501(c)(3) non-profit George Washington Society. What a great way to have a significant part in celebrating our nation's Semi-quincentennial!
George Washington Society's sole objective is to carry passionately the torch of our founding fathers' faith that drove George Washington to sacrifice "for God and Country". The society seeks to cultivate an appreciation for our nation's early history and Christian heritage for the benefit of future generations.
We affirm the importance of working together to keep this fire burning brightly for future generations. Events will be held to promote and educate an accurate understanding of early American history in our society today.